It is time to oppose the coreless philosophy! Our speech is to be cold or hot! Let a shout come out. Penetrating our bones, it will finally sound distinct, humane! The Scream is really specific. Sometimes even as a mythical hero... On the one hand it is fleshy and on the other are metaphysical. It is here and now - present in us, most vividly expresses our reality. When a child is born, its scream is healthy. A muffled scream turns into despair... The scream is a picture of our emotions. Everything alive screams. One opens their mouth to take a breath or to express their rebellion. "Here I am, a rebel in the service of the Truth!" Even shouting - especially calling from the heart - we must save our faces! Let our expression, in the highest justified way, be like May dew in the sun and let it shine!
As the People live with what lives the People, let us not be snippy or haughty to each other! Let's preach the Philosophy involved in life, in our communities! Finally, it is not the point of a thought construct towards which only tension and misunderstandings increase. Our Philosophy is the path of life development. Free for everyone! It should add wings to people who are straightforward. On the other hand, specialists must be added the specific weight and limp ideas must be grounded (until they grow from the roots!) - from cathedrals to the foundations.
Everyone deserves to feel good. This is how we can always feel, living with dignity, truth and beauty. Saying "no" to colorless concepts and illegible signs! "No" to shallow ascents and instructing others! "No" to the cunning of the crookies and their boring lies, depths and fog which only distract our attention from the splendor of real life challenges! We must support our hearty hopes anchoring in what is eternally alive! Let us do it, saying "yes" to the difficult gain of peace from all the misfortunes which are caused only by machinations around the Truth, after all the only and holy! "Yes" for transparent actions, clear intentions and coherent attitudes! "Yes" for us, sensitive and proud, strong and beautiful!
When we persistently stick to the good, no one will fail to try how it works! We will jump together from the most distant depths into the expanse of Heaven... We will rise on the wings of our faith. Instead of growing only in leaves, we will blossom, thanks to our trust...
Katarzyna Popek
Sprzeciw wobec filozofii pozbawionej jądra! Nasza mowa ma być zimna albo gorąca! Niechaj odezwie się krzyk. Przenikając nasze kości, zabrzmi w końcu wyraziście, po ludzku! Doprawdy specyficzny jest Krzyk. Momentami nawet jak mityczny bohater... Jedną warstwę ma mięsistą, a drugą metafizyczną. Jest tym, co dziś – obecny w nas, najdotkliwiej wyraża naszą rzeczywistość. Kiedy dziecko się rodzi, jego krzyk jest zdrowy. Tłumiony krzyk przeradza się zaś w rozpacz… Krzyk jest obrazem naszych emocji. Wszystko krzyczy, co żyje. Otwiera usta, aby zaczerpnąć powietrza lub by wyrazić swój bunt. „Oto jestem buntownikiem w służbie na rzecz Prawdy!” Nawet krzycząc – zwłaszcza wołając z wnętrza serca – trzeba nam zachować twarze! Niechaj więc nasza ekspresja, ze wszech miar uzasadniona, będzie jak rosa majowa w słońcu i niech się skrzy!
Jako że Lud żyje tym, co żyje Ludem, nie bądźmy dla siebie ani oschli, ani wyniośli! Głośmy Filozofię zaangażowaną w życie, w nasze społeczności! Nie chodzi wszak o konstrukt myślowy, wobec którego narastają tylko napięcie i nieporozumienia. Nasza Filozofia jest ścieżką życiowego rozwoju. Dla każdego Wolną! Ma uskrzydlać prostych. Specjalistom zaś ma dodawać gatunkowego ciężaru, uziemiać wiotkie idee (aż z korzeni wyrosną!), sprowadzać z katedr na ziemię.
Każdy zasługuje na to, by czuć się dobrze. Tak możemy czuć się zawsze, żyjąc godnie, prawdziwie i pięknie. Mówiąc „nie” dla bezbarwnych pojęć i nieczytelnych znaków! „Nie” dla miałkich wynurzeń i pouczania innych! „Nie” dla sprytu krętaczy i ich nieciekawych kłamstw, odmętów i mgły, które odwracają tylko naszą uwagę od wspaniałości prawdziwych wyzwań życiowych! Trzeba nam za to popierać żywione nadzieje, kotwiczące w Tym, co wiecznie żywe! Czyńmy to, mówiąc „tak” dla trudnego zdobywania spokoju od wszystkich nieszczęść, jakie powodują tylko machinacje wokół Prawdy, wszak jedynej i świętej! „Tak” dla przejrzystego działania, jasnych intencji i spójnych postaw! „Tak” dla nas, wrażliwi i dumni, mocni i piękni!
Gdy wytrwale trzymamy się dobra, już nikt nie omieszka spróbować, jak to działa! Z najodleglejszych głębin wyskoczymy razem w sam przestwór Nieba… Wzniesiemy się na skrzydłach naszej wiary. Zamiast tylko obrastać w liście, zakwitniemy, dzięki naszej ufności…
Katarzyna Popek
About me
As part of my social activities, I was a member of Towarzystwo Naukowe Organizacji i Kierownictwa (the Scientific Society for Organization and Management), and from July 2018 to the end of 2022, I was the scientific secretary at the Łódź Branch of TNOiK. I represent a humanistic approach to management.
I have gained extensive experience in conducting training, especially in the field of: public administration, ethics at work as a teacher, business ethics, crisis situations in trade and trade negotiations.
I am interested in art too. I completed post-graduate studies in Painting and Drawing at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz. So far, I have published texts on philosophy and pedagogy in the form of scientific articles and essays. Now I am also inclined to literary works. I am especially interested in philosophical anthropology, pedagogical ideas and the philosophy of art.
Standing in battle in God's full armor, with one move we will get rid of melancholy and illusions to completely cling to the one Love which allows us to uphold, and even co-create, the discovered ideas of the Good, the Truth and the Beauty which truly shine in human life.
I invite you to follow The News. In them, I present current events in terms of taken actions. They will include information about my literary and artworks. There will also be publishing announcements, information about author’s meetings etc. Gallery of works contains more detailed descriptions of my literary works and described photographs of artworks. Publishing House of Katarzyna Popek is a special corner dedicated to published books. I also encourage you to read my appeal under password "The Manifesto".
Dear Recipient!
Welcome to my website. If you are looking for an illustrator-publisher or a philosopher-coach, and if you are interested in literature and art as a targeted expression of emotions, you have come to the right place (see Cooperation with Recipient). I strongly believe that there are no cases, so your presence in this port is also justified. I am glad that I can host the Visitor in my micro-web space.
Trusting that the right space of each of us is truly limitless, I took the initiative to act, to get where I would be led by what I do... Inspired by Providential guidance, we can feel safe and confident, even if we do not see the whole of our reality, but only the fragment we are currently affirming. Perhaps - by breathing the refreshing wind - we will be able to spread our wings fully, but at the same time we will need to be able to fit in a small box. After all, looking with our hearts, we can do much more. Contemplating the Pattern of the Supreme, we begin to understand that only this power which can limit itself and, in a way, enter into the framework which are consciously and lovingly chosen, it also becomes invincible power.
By passion and education, I am a philosopher in the sense of the seeker of the Truth and the Wisdom. In 2017, I graduated from Interdisciplinary Humanities Doctoral Studies at the University of Lodz (PhD title: Philosophy and pedagogy in dialogue. Questions about the truth). I am also a graduate of Pedagogy in the field of prevention and socio-cultural animation as well as Philosophy at the University of Lodz.
The News
Działalność Twórcza i Wydawnictwo
dr n. hum. Katarzyna Popek