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Działalność Twórcza i Wydawnictwo

dr n. hum. Katarzyna Popek 

22 July 2021
7 points


7 points which I treat as goals in my philosophical sessions:


Point 1

Be free

Never let someone else's network of beliefs be imposed on you. Be like an orc who finally breaks free from any web by inner power. Swim. Freedom is the power to overcome for the good that is the truth of righteous people.


Point 2

Tell the truth

What does it mean to tell the truth? You don't have to be a rhetor to call a spade a spade. The truth must be loved so as not to lose it, not to juggle with what we could only find defense in. To tell the truth also means to do it, because words are only the beginning of things.


Point 3

Appreciate the effort

Every effort put into carrying this world is worth appreciating. Overcoming difficulties by you or others to get closer to Good, Truth and Beauty again cannot go unnoticed. Let no one overtake you in grateful generosity. Mutual goodness is already the beginning of love.


Point 4


Forgiveness means that we love ourselves and others with a love above all divisions, inspired by God's Spirit. When you forgive, you open up a blocked channel of compassion and concern for someone like yourself, whose fate is to err in search of the truth.


Point 5

Fight for yourself

Nothing motivates us more than self-confidence, which we find even at the bottom of our heart. When a person appreciates themselves, all external adversities lose their relevance. Nobody will tell you then that your opinion does not count and that you should rather withdraw from your plans. If you fight for yourself with faith and do not give in to circumstances, then sooner or later you will achieve success - there is no doubt about it.


Point 6 Follow your belief

No matter how risky it seems to you to do what you think is right, follow your conviction. If your conscience is not lukewarm, you remain resolute and as long as you show this attitude to the world, you do your duty. Don't look back at the others, because everyone has different tasks to do. But be vigilant!


Point 7


Life is a value that surpasses all our affairs and aspirations. It is a great gift and we are debtors. Even when we experience deep breakdowns, we must not give up. When you also love your life in its particular constitution, you will finally be able to be truly happy. You will breathe a sigh of relief and let this carried by time unique river flow slowly...


Katarzyna Popek


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Działalność Twórcza i Wydawnictwo

dr n. hum. Katarzyna Popek 


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